Showa village is a quite small village located at southern Aizu area, Fukushima Pref. This village has just been nominated as 64th most beautiful villages in Japan. Now is the best season to enjoy autumn leaves. The first spot is Kuimaru School ruin. This school was built more than 80 yeas ago and was closed about 40 years ago. Recently this school has been renovated as tourism spot.
Night time you can enjoy light-up autumn leaves as below.

The next autumn leaves spot is Yanohara Swamp, where you can reach by car from the center of the village in about 5 min. Lots of photographers come to take photo of autumn leaves around the pond.
Along route 401 there are some nice autumn leaves spot. The first one is Hakase pass around the border of Aizu Misato town. You can go through autumn leaves tunnel here.
The second spot is Tamagawa gorge followed by Shin-Torii Pass close to Minami Aizu town.
Please enjoy beautiful autumn leaves at the most beautiful village in Japan.