Showa Village(Gunma Pref,)is the nearest “most beautiful” village from Tokyo.
If you drive by yourself, you can reach there from Tokyo in about 1.5hours
using Kanetsu Highway.
Throughout the year they grow various kinds of fresh vegetables among which
lettuce, cabbage and spinach are so delicious now.
These vegetables are not only delicious but also quite beautiful. So, many visitors come here to take photograph
of vegetable field with surrounding mountains.
If you want to buy these vegetables, you can get them at roadside station “Agream” Showa which is just close
to the highway exit.
All the vegetables are so fresh and cheap. Many travelers drop here to get them.
At Showa village there is less rainfalls and quality of soil is dry so that nice grapes are also grown.
There is nice winery “Okutone Winery” on the hill of the village.
There is also nice Italian restaurant in this winery. You can have precious lunch in front of grape field and
series of mountains.
This is their official web;
Please enjoy fresh vegetables and delicious wines under autumn sky at Showa Village.