The trick that the Chief concierge teaches is free to enjoy Umaji village.It is a special villager card issued by the public office and a supporter card of Umaji village.

Application window

The benefits of this special villager card is that you can the yuzu drink “Gokkun” free of charge. Furthermore, if you even can drink it together in the mayor’s room when he is available.I also took a commemorative photo.

One more benefit is to take Umaji onsen at no charge, which usually costs 600.

But, if you return home only with free benefits, you become disqualified villager nor supporter. There are a variety of yuzu drinks, vinegar, jams, shampoo, rinse and cosmetics made with Yuzu in the village of Umajii, so please buy a lot of souvenirs.

Finally, you may aggressively upload the village on your SNS. You are the ranks of the honorary villagers in this.