Numerous visitors have come to Hayakawa town to make pilgrimage to Minobusan Kuonji and
Shivhimensan temple.
Minobusan Kuonji is head temple of Nichiren-shu which was founded in 1274 and considered to
be scared site of Lotus Sutra.
To reach to this temple there are 2 alternative ways to go.
Easier way is to go up by ropeway from Minobu town.(next town to Hayakawa).

It just takes 7mins from the parking to the top of Mt.Minobusan.
The ropeway goes each 20mins up and down to Mt.Minobusan.
From the top of Mt.Minobusan you can have nice view of Mt.Fuji and surrounding area.
Another way is to walk from Akasawa-shuku.
“Shuku” is post town where ancient visitors stay over night at the inn to go for next destination.
After climbing to Mt.Minobusan for faith belief they stay over night at Akasawa-shuku and move forward to
Shichimensan, another place of believe for them.
As you walk in Akasawa-shuku, you can feel ancient living of Japanese.
To know more about Akasawa-shuku why don’t you visit Shimizu-ya at first?
The hostess of Shimizuya, Miss Yuri Kushida is kind enough to tell you something about this area
and Hayakawa town.
- 清水屋
- 串田ゆりさん
- 喫茶でおすすめアイスクリーム
- 古民家からの眺め
You can stay at Osaka-ya, guesthouse located at Akasawa-shuku.
Next day you climb up to Mt.Shichimensan. It may take approx.4-5hours to reach to the summit of the
From Shichimensan you can have wonderful view of Mt.Fuji.
- 七面山山頂から富士山のご来光
Another place of nostalgia is Narata, which is located at the north end of the Hayakawa town.
There are nice hot spa, cafe and shrine at Narata. You surely can be relaxed there.
- Tenjin temple at the entrance of Narata
- 奈良田温泉
- Cafe 鍵屋
- Spiritual water at the shrine
Have a spiritual and nostalgic trip at Hayakawa!